Need help with Run Rate spreadsheet



I have a spreadsheet with two worksheets, first sheet has a cell for the
"Number of days in the month", another cell for the "Days so far in the
month" then a row with the days of the month 1 thru 30 or 1 thru 31, which
will vary according to the month.

Under each day, there are 3 cells that will have a number or count entered
into it.

The first thing I would like to do is if any number greater than 0 is input
in any one of the three cells that the "Days so far this Month" is
incremented to the correct count, ie. if the first day of the month has had
data input in any of the 3 cells for that day then the "Days so far this
month" cell has a 1 in it, then if any data is input on the second day the
"Days so far this month" cell has a 2 in it and so on.

Next, I need to have the data that is entered in the three cells for each day
to be copied to the second worksheet to it's corresponding cell. This data
will need to overwrite the previous days data.

I hope that this make sense, I have formulas that do my other calculations,
I'm stuck on how to best proceed with the two issues presented above.

Regards, Kevin.

Shane Devenshire


You need to show us a sample of your data and the expected outcome.

Shane Devenshire

fletcherkr via

Is there an email i can send a sample spreadsheet to so that you can look at

Shane said:

You need to show us a sample of your data and the expected outcome.

Shane Devenshire
I have a spreadsheet with two worksheets, first sheet has a cell for the
"Number of days in the month", another cell for the "Days so far in the
[quoted text clipped - 19 lines]
Regards, Kevin.

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