Sorry, but I'm just not assmilating the styles model in Word 2007.
What is a Quick Style, and how does it differ from a non-Quick Style? Are
Quick Styles what appear in the gallery of styles in the Styles block of the
Home tab? What is special about them other than appearing in the gallery?
Why should I use them? (I find the Styles window easier to use.)
Why do styles appear in the Quick Style gallery even if they are not used,
whereas if I open the Styles window it only shows the styles in use? How can
I know what styles are available to me for a given style set? How can I get
even unused ones to appear in the Styles window?
How can I know what style set is currently active? Why doesn't the Change
Styles->Style Set dropdown show me the active style set? (Seems like an
obvious thing to do.)
If I change style sets, what will happen if I am currenlty using a style of
a given name, but that name is not defined for the new style set?
What is a Quick Style, and how does it differ from a non-Quick Style? Are
Quick Styles what appear in the gallery of styles in the Styles block of the
Home tab? What is special about them other than appearing in the gallery?
Why should I use them? (I find the Styles window easier to use.)
Why do styles appear in the Quick Style gallery even if they are not used,
whereas if I open the Styles window it only shows the styles in use? How can
I know what styles are available to me for a given style set? How can I get
even unused ones to appear in the Styles window?
How can I know what style set is currently active? Why doesn't the Change
Styles->Style Set dropdown show me the active style set? (Seems like an
obvious thing to do.)
If I change style sets, what will happen if I am currenlty using a style of
a given name, but that name is not defined for the new style set?