Need help with this code

  • Thread starter Afrosheen via
  • Start date

Afrosheen via

Thanks for reading this. I really appreciate the help.

I have a report I'm trying to generate based on three fields. WorkPlan,
IntDue, and FinalDue. This is the code I'm trying to work with.

strWhere = "qryTaps.WorkPlan=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.IntDue=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.FinalDue=""" & strMon"

As it stands right now, I'm getting a "Syntax Error". If the routine works it
will produce this information and look like this.

Workplan IntDue FinalDue
Joe January
Pete January
Fred January

The strMon is the month selected

This is what I'm trying to do and any help is greatfull.


Marshall Barton

Afrosheen said:
Thanks for reading this. I really appreciate the help.

I have a report I'm trying to generate based on three fields. WorkPlan,
IntDue, and FinalDue. This is the code I'm trying to work with.

strWhere = "qryTaps.WorkPlan=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.IntDue=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.FinalDue=""" & strMon"

As it stands right now, I'm getting a "Syntax Error". If the routine works it
will produce this information and look like this.

Workplan IntDue FinalDue
Joe January
Pete January
Fred January

The strMon is the month selected

The last quote is not correct. Try:

strWhere = "qryTaps.WorkPlan=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.IntDue=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.FinalDue=""" & strMon & """"

Jack Leach

You didn't put the closing quotes after the last variable.

strWhere = "qryTaps.WorkPlan=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.IntDue=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.FinalDue=""" & strMon" & """"

try that

Jack Leach

"I haven''t failed, I''ve found ten thousand ways that don''t work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Afrosheen via

Thanks for the help. I had to take out the " after the last strMon.
It looks like it's working.

The next thing I have to figure out is how not to print a wrong field. For

WorkPlan IntDue Final Due.
Tom January
Joe January
Mark January

I'd like it like the above.

It is showing up as:
WorkPlan IntDue Final Due.
Tom January March December
Joe April May January
Mark December January June

So there is still some work to be done.

Thanks for the help.

Jack said:
You didn't put the closing quotes after the last variable.

strWhere = "qryTaps.WorkPlan=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.IntDue=""" & strMon & _
""" or qryTaps.FinalDue=""" & strMon" & """"

try that
Thanks for reading this. I really appreciate the help.
[quoted text clipped - 18 lines]

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