Need help with this code

  • Thread starter Afrosheen via
  • Start date

Afrosheen via

I have two tables I'm working with. One is called tblMain where the field I'm
working with is called supervisor. Table two is called tblSupervisor where
there is a field also called Supervisor.

Since we have supervisor changes I wanted to create an Old Supervisor/New
Supervisor conversion form.

What I'd like it to do is to be able to select the Old Supervisor from the
tblMain [though a drop down box. Combo4] create a query where it will just
show all the records that Supervisor has and then select the New Supervisor
from the tblSupervisor and replace the Old Supervisor. I did create a query
called qryOldNew where the control is from the tblMain. When I wrote the sql
part in the criteria it worked.

This is what I have so far.

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT supervisor" & _
" FROM [qryOldSup]" & _
" WHERE [supervisor]="" & Combo4&"""

Me.FilterOn = True

That's as far as I've been able to get. When I look at the query it doesn't
appear to be working.

Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my post.


Hi Afrosheen,
you forgot to double the double quotes in your SQL. The correct sintax is as

strSQL = "SELECT supervisor" & _
" FROM [qryOldSup]" & _
" WHERE [supervisor]=""" & Combo4 & """"

This is correct if supervisor is text and combo4 is also a text.

HTH Paolo

Afrosheen via

thanks for your help. I'll be able to finish up because now I have to replace
the old with the new. This is the code I believe will work. I set this up
with a command button.

100 Set dtm = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
110 sql6 = "update tblmain set supervisor =""" & Combo2 & """where
supervisor =""" & Combo4 & """"

120 dtm.Execute sql6, adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords
130 Set dtm = Nothing
Hi Afrosheen,
you forgot to double the double quotes in your SQL. The correct sintax is as

strSQL = "SELECT supervisor" & _
" FROM [qryOldSup]" & _
" WHERE [supervisor]=""" & Combo4 & """"

This is correct if supervisor is text and combo4 is also a text.

HTH Paolo
I have two tables I'm working with. One is called tblMain where the field I'm
working with is called supervisor. Table two is called tblSupervisor where
[quoted text clipped - 24 lines]
Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my post.

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