Need help with two Bowling Formulas


Tom Rogers

I have setup a spreadsheet to keep track of my personal bowling scores. I
have made everything automatic except 2 formulas that I cannot figure out,
can someone help?

1) Series Total column. I have a row of 3 numbers that get a simple SUM
formula in the 4th column of that row. These series totals range in a column
from G4 - G32. I have conditionally formatted them so that if the formula
result is zero, paint the cell white so I don't see the zeros. So in this
formula column, I only get an actual formula result when I actually have
scores input in the rows. I want to find the MIN series total in the entire
column, but the MIN formula is giving me a zero (because I have hidden
zeros). How can I get the minimum actual number, not being a zero.

2) I need to figure high series WITH handicap added in. Say G8 has high
series number, I need to multiply J7 by 3 then add this to the high series
number in G8. How do I do this? I need the cell number for the high series
returned, so that I can point the J column cell # to one less than the G
column cell #.



Roger Govier

Hi Tom

I think the following should work



Roger Govier


First, you can use the SMALL function to find the 2nd smallest score.


However, rather than using cond. formatting to 'hide' a zero, use an I
statement to not return anything if D, E and F are blank, e.g.


Now the MIN function will work, as your cells will either contain th
SUM of your scores or be blank.


in a blank column (H?) enter this formula and copy down e.g. H4:H32


This will find the cell in G with the max value, and add your singl
game handicap which has be trebled. OR-- You could just do the math i
K7 (=J7*3) and use that in your formula:


Good Luc

Tom Rogers

I figured out the first one, but the second formula does not work as you
stated. I need the cell reference returned from =MAX(G4:G32), say it is G7.
Then somehow I need to be able to reference J6 * 3 plus the value in G7.

The J6 will change depending on the cell reference returned from
=MAX(G4:G32). If the cell reference returned is G15, then the J cell
reference has to be J14.



Roger Govier

Hi Tom


This will return the location of the max value in range G4:G32
You haven't said how the add on changes with location, so unless there
is a formula for this, I can't add to it any more.


Roger Govier

Tom Rogers

Thanx, got it working!


Roger Govier said:
Hi Tom


This will return the location of the max value in range G4:G32
You haven't said how the add on changes with location, so unless there is
a formula for this, I can't add to it any more.


Roger Govier

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