I am trying to use Vlookup in the following situation but I an an error
result "#N/A". Basically, I have a table that consists of the following
Col 1: Month number: where e.g. "5" represents month no. 5 etc
Col 2: Principal
Col 3: Interest
Col 4: Ending Balance
Col 5: Cumulative interest
Col 6: paid up to year
For col 6, I use the formula
datedif (loan_start,b16,"Y") + datedif(loan_start,b16,"YM")/100 which
gives me a year month format as yr.mth e.g. (10.01 means 10 yr 1 mth,
20.11 means 20 years 11 mth etc)
Now, on ANOTHER sheet, I have a value, a year "20" that I want Vlookup
to find in the above-mentioned table and return the corresponding
cumulative interest in the 5th column. However, I get an #N/A. Could
there be some inconsistency between my "20" in the first sheet and the
"20.00" as given by the formula of column 6 in the 2nd sheet?
Thanks for your help!!
I am trying to use Vlookup in the following situation but I an an error
result "#N/A". Basically, I have a table that consists of the following
Col 1: Month number: where e.g. "5" represents month no. 5 etc
Col 2: Principal
Col 3: Interest
Col 4: Ending Balance
Col 5: Cumulative interest
Col 6: paid up to year
For col 6, I use the formula
datedif (loan_start,b16,"Y") + datedif(loan_start,b16,"YM")/100 which
gives me a year month format as yr.mth e.g. (10.01 means 10 yr 1 mth,
20.11 means 20 years 11 mth etc)
Now, on ANOTHER sheet, I have a value, a year "20" that I want Vlookup
to find in the above-mentioned table and return the corresponding
cumulative interest in the 5th column. However, I get an #N/A. Could
there be some inconsistency between my "20" in the first sheet and the
"20.00" as given by the formula of column 6 in the 2nd sheet?
Thanks for your help!!