Need help



Need help creating a databes who can store orders for materials!

In Report should be columns like this:
- ID_order
- Date order
- Company name - link to table Company
- Material - link to a table material
- Quantity

how many tables I must have and what is link beetween them (primary key,
1. Orders
Id_order (auto number)
Company name

2. Company
Id-company (autonumber)
Company name

3. Material
Material name
Quantity in kilograms


In the Orders table the link should be to CompanyID, not Company Name, since
the name is subject to change.

You have started by asking about a report. Before you can have a report you
need data, which means you need tables (which you have described) and forms
for user input. The table relationships depend in part on the purpose of
the database. If it is to place orders with vendors you can start with the
tables you have described. You should also have an OrderDetails table for
each item on the Order (one Order, many line items), and a Products (or
Materials) table. Each Order Detail is for a Product, so there is a
relationship between OrderDetails and Products (one order, many products).
Also, there is a link between Company and Product (one company, many

I can't get into the details of the design in this forum, but take a look at
the Northwinds sample database that ships with Access. Also, there are a
number of templates at the Microsoft web site, one of which may be adaptable
to your needs:


Thanks Bruce, You help a lot

BruceM said:
In the Orders table the link should be to CompanyID, not Company Name,
since the name is subject to change.

You have started by asking about a report. Before you can have a report
you need data, which means you need tables (which you have described) and
forms for user input. The table relationships depend in part on the
purpose of the database. If it is to place orders with vendors you can
start with the tables you have described. You should also have an
OrderDetails table for each item on the Order (one Order, many line
items), and a Products (or Materials) table. Each Order Detail is for a
Product, so there is a relationship between OrderDetails and Products (one
order, many products). Also, there is a link between Company and Product
(one company, many products).

I can't get into the details of the design in this forum, but take a look
at the Northwinds sample database that ships with Access. Also, there are
a number of templates at the Microsoft web site, one of which may be
adaptable to your needs:

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