Need help



I want to make a query that does either one criteria OR
another not AND as it is set to as a default. I think it
is possible with SQL but i know nothing about that, could
some one send me some sample code or a link to some sample
code if possible thanks.

Duane Hookom

In the query design view, make sure that your conditions are on separate
lines of the criteria.


Originally posted by Jacob
I want to make a query that does either one criteria OR
another not AND as it is set to as a default. I think it
is possible with SQL but i know nothing about that, could
some one send me some sample code or a link to some sample
code if possible thanks.

Just put the two parameters in two different rows in the criteria of the
query in design mode.

J. Paul Schmidt, Freelance Access and ASP Developer - Database on the Web Demo
Sample Access Invoices Database

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