Need ideas for a search



Hi, I wonder if somebody could give me an idea. I have this database with the
information for various charities organizations. So each organization has
name, address, phone, contact person, and many different services that they
offer. On the table created for that, each service offered is a Yes/No type
of field so whenever the info is entered for each organization, if they offer
certain type of service the checkbox for that service should be checked. I'm
having some trouble trying to create a report for it now. I need to create a
report showing all the organizations that offer certain type of service. For
example let's say I need to know all the organizations that offer Monetary
Assistance. How can I create a search for it that will create a report with
the details of all the organizations that offer Monetary Assistance?

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Well I am pretty tired but I will try to give the best answer I can. I see a
lot of if's here but I will try to give you a basic idea. I would create a
query with the fields from the table that you have that you wish to include
on the report. In the query set the criteria to ="Yes" in the Monetary
Assistance field and that should list all the information that you need. To
check it just run the query. Now take your report and have the record source
set to the name of the query and that is the most basic report setup I can
think off.

I hope this is what you were asking about.



Yes that's how I basicaly was able to make it work, but it is not working for
what I'm trying to to. Let me try to explain it better. I did exactly as how
you suggested. The only thing is I will be getting the value of the criteria
from a form. The user will never see a query or anything, he will only see a
form with the possible services offered and he will pick one. So the query
will read the criteria for each service field from this form and that's where
it's not working. I inserted on the criteria of the field the code for the
form, something like this: [Forms]![Search]![field01], this will enable the
query to get the desired value from the field01 that's on the form Search.
But if I do that for all the services, it means that every service would need
a criteria and that's not what I want.

It's kind of confusing I know but basically what I need is to create a form
that will allow the user search the database by services offered with a query
and display the results on a form... in other words the value for the
criteria of the fields have to come from what the user selected on a form.

Hope you can understand and give me some ideas.



I believe that what you need is to add to the criteria:
OR [Forms]![Search]![field01] Is Null

Daniel said:
Yes that's how I basicaly was able to make it work, but it is not working
what I'm trying to to. Let me try to explain it better. I did exactly as
you suggested. The only thing is I will be getting the value of the
from a form. The user will never see a query or anything, he will only see
form with the possible services offered and he will pick one. So the query
will read the criteria for each service field from this form and that's
it's not working. I inserted on the criteria of the field the code for the
form, something like this: [Forms]![Search]![field01], this will enable
query to get the desired value from the field01 that's on the form Search.
But if I do that for all the services, it means that every service would
a criteria and that's not what I want.

It's kind of confusing I know but basically what I need is to create a
that will allow the user search the database by services offered with a
and display the results on a form... in other words the value for the
criteria of the fields have to come from what the user selected on a form.

Hope you can understand and give me some ideas.


default105 said:
Well I am pretty tired but I will try to give the best answer I can. I
see a
lot of if's here but I will try to give you a basic idea. I would create
query with the fields from the table that you have that you wish to
on the report. In the query set the criteria to ="Yes" in the Monetary
Assistance field and that should list all the information that you need.
check it just run the query. Now take your report and have the record
set to the name of the query and that is the most basic report setup I
think off.

I hope this is what you were asking about.


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