Need Interactive Button to link to Table change vice Page Change



My site is if anyone needs to see it to understand
my question...

I want the interactive buttons on the left to make the main table on the
right change. Right now, when you click on "Photogallery", the whole page
changes. Instead, I want my main Table with the picture of the Marines to
change to the photogallery. Thanks in advance.

Stefan B Rusynko

You are Not using Frames
To achieve what you want you would need to be using Frames
and your hyperlinks in the other frames would need to have a target frame name set
- but frames are problematic for users and search engines

Alternatively (and better than frames)
- all of your pages would need the same table layout repeating your top row and left column

Easily done w/ either Include pages, shared borders, or best done w/ a Dynamic Web Template in FP 2003


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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| My site is if anyone needs to see it to understand
| my question...
| I want the interactive buttons on the left to make the main table on the
| right change. Right now, when you click on "Photogallery", the whole page
| changes. Instead, I want my main Table with the picture of the Marines to
| change to the photogallery. Thanks in advance.

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