Need largest number



We have a simple Part number table. We another table with various respective revision levels (text)
How do I generate a simple query (without SQL as I don't understand it) to return only the most current revision levels

Tom Ellison

Dear Kelson:

Your revision levels may well be in a Dewey Decimal system, which may
not sort properly. However, you can write a function that changes
them into values that will sort. For example:

1.2.17 -> 001002017

For this, you assign a maximum number of digits for each segment of
the number, then zero fill them and drop the decimals (or keep them if
you like). This will then sort, so the MAX() value of this would then
be the most recent revision number (assuming you assign revision
numbers in a numerically increasing manner).

Anyway, I'm gessing this is where your problem lies. If not, some
additional explanation on your part might be in order.

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts

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