Need lots of Access Help



Does anybody know of a excellent book to help with
designing and programming Access. I am involved in a
project that is taking my way beyond my knowledge of
Access. Something that is easy to understand, but very
powerful. Lots of good examples of Forms, Queries,
reports, macros, and Visual Basic.


SYBEX's Access 2002 Enterprise (Developers Handbook) by
Letwin, Getz and Gunderloy.


-----Original Message-----
Does anybody know of a excellent book to help with
designing and programming Access. I am involved in a
project that is taking my way beyond my knowledge of
Access. Something that is easy to understand, but very
powerful. Lots of good examples of Forms, Queries,
reports, macros, and Visual Basic.
Go to Barnes and Noble (QUE Books) related to Access, all

Mike Painter

kelly said:
Does anybody know of a excellent book to help with
designing and programming Access. I am involved in a
project that is taking my way beyond my knowledge of
Access. Something that is easy to understand, but very
powerful. Lots of good examples of Forms, Queries,
reports, macros, and Visual Basic.

You will have to decide that for your self. Visit a Barnes and Noble and
skim through a few.
Access Developers Handbook 200x by Letwin, Getz and Gunderloy is one of my

Help has many of the features you want and the Northwind database a lot

Most of the stuff will be "easy to understand" AFTER you study, work with it
and learn.
If it's a unique application none of the examples will quite be what you

Tony Toews

Tony said:
SYBEX's Access 2002 Enterprise (Developers Handbook) by
Letwin, Getz and Gunderloy.

That's possibly a bit too advanced for the poster.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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