need macro for fill down



I have the following spreadsheet that shows the following and I need to fill
in column B with the reference number in column A and keep doing so if the
value is 0 until it changes to a new reference number and then and then that
cell has to be put in.

A1 B1
ref no ref no of A1
0 ref no of A1
different ref no different ref no
0 as above
0 as above and so on.
Does anyone know how to achieve this automatically. I can do it using the If
statement but these can be massive files and are for inexperienced users so
i want to be able for them to run this auromatically by way of Macro if
Thanks in anticipation once again

Barb Reinhardt

Your instructions are kind of cryptic. You may want to give some specific
examples or you may not get a lot of help.

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