Need macro to post data from user input



I am building a survey and need a macro, so as to post the data inpute
to another area of the sheet/workbook and maintain a consecutiv
listing of the data inputed.

ie survey question 1 ____, q2_____

Posts to data area:
survey 1 question 1 ____, q2 _____
survey 2 question 1 ____, q2 _____

I can send/upload the file if that would help.

Thanks in advanc


Chris said:
See the attachment....


Kind of helpful, but this is what I have made so far and would like th
data from cell J5 to post to cells c91 for the first survey, c92 for th
second all the way to c100.

Don't want to start from scratch if I can help it.

Thanks for the help.




Azrael;3236560 said:
Kind of helpful, but this is what I have made so far and would like th
data from cell J5 to post to cells c91 for the first survey, c92 fo
the second all the way to c100.

Don't want to start from scratch if I can help it.

Thanks for the help.


OK,I've done some work, and changed where the data needs to be poste
to, and this is what I have so far:
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True

What I need is for this to paste the selected data to Row B5 the nex
time that the macro is run then B6 etc adding a line every time tha
the macro is run


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