need mocrosoft word ASAP



i have an HP Pavilion and does not have Microsoft word so how do i install the program? please help me i need the program ASAP thanks

Charles Kenyon

Go down to your local computer software retailer and purchase it, if it did
not come with your computer. You may be able to get it for less from HP. The
least expensive retail method of getting MS Word (if you don't need Excel or
other Office components) is to purchase the MS Works Suite. There are other
word processing programs out there, as well, if you need a word processor
but don't necessarily need Word.

daisy said:
i have an HP Pavilion and does not have Microsoft word so how do i install
the program? please help me i need the program ASAP thanks


The least expensive I've seen is to go to any software shop in Malaysia,
where all software costs 5 ringgits per CD. That's about USD$2.

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < Jezebel > écrivait :
In this message, < Jezebel > wrote:

|| The least expensive I've seen is to go to any software shop in Malaysia,
|| where all software costs 5 ringgits per CD. That's about USD$2.

But this is slightly offset by the 1000$ plane ride tro get there...
But it does make for a hell of a shopping trip!

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Charles Kenyon

Might also be offset by fines at customs. I guess I was talking about the
least expensive legal way to obtain it new. Of course one can legally
purchase older versions on eBay.

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