Need more columns in worksheet



How do I get more columns in a worksheet. It only goes up to column
"IV" now, and I want to add 200 more columns. (I have one column for
each day, going back over a year right now).


Max Number of Columns per worksheet, 256. If your volume of data is
that extensive, consider storing it by row rather than by column
(65,536 of them), taking advantage of multiple sheets (rather than all
on one sheet), or using a relational database app (like Access)

Regads |:>)

Bob Greenblatt

Ack. Is there a way to invert the sheet? Flip all rows to columns &
cols to rows?
Sure there is. But, will you have less than 256 rows after you convert it.
To transpose the data, select it all and copy it. Move to another worksheet,
and select Edit-paste Special, and click on transpose.

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