Need MS product list are MSORUN.dll shipping vehicle.




I'm looking for futher description of how MSORUN.DLL are distributed. I
guess someone at MS Product Support team or MVPs may know that.

I know that this dll normaly distributed with Office XP/2003 or stand alone
PowerPoint XP/2003 package, otherwise I can manually download and install
this dll from Microsoft download center web site. But I'm assuming that this
dll can also be installed to my PC by other products or service packs.

I have a bunch of fully animated ppt files and am attempting to deliver them
from the company web site. And I have to add a page which describes who
should manually download and install MSORUN.DLL from MS web site.

I googled "msorun.dll" but couldn't found worthy readings.
Can anyone help me please?
Any input would be appreciated.



Hi Steve, thanks for your response.

I converted my ppt files to HTML pages by saving them "Save as Web page"
file menu.
Visitors who have installed Office or PowerPoint can see animation on
his/her browser but other poeple just see non-animated slides. So I want
such people to manually download and install MSORUN.DLL to their PC.

The HTML files which MS Producer generated are including a <object> tag let
browsers to download MSORUN.DLL automatically, but the tags which PowerPoint
generated doesn't have this option.

P.S. apology for my broken English launguage. I'm not a native English


Thank you very much.
But you seems expect my language skill too much. Actually I've spent more
than 10 minutes while type out my previous message with an English
dictionary. :- )
By the way, you can't access my presentations due to access permission,
because all of them are private education courseware. In stead, I attached
below the lines of <object> tag ware pulled out from two HTML files. One has
been generated by PowerPoint "Save as Web page" and another one is created
by MS Producer 2002.

#PowerPoint 2002 generates...
<object id=MSOANIM

#MS Producer 2002 generates...
<object style="visibility:hidden" id=MSOANIM


Again, I'm only using PowerPoint 2002 and can not switch to Producer because
I don't have any audio/video.
As you can see above, MS Producer generates an <object> tag includes
codebase option so that client's browser automatically download the ActiveX
controll. I've been using this trick on my presentations. I added an Opening
page which guide visitors to the target presentation, and I copied and
pasted above Producer's code into the Opening page. Then visitors who don't
have MSORUN.dll on PC successfully install it thru typical ActiveX control
installation subsequence UNTIL something was changed on the site. Today, you no longer see such ActiveX controll
installation subsequence for MSORUN.dll unless your PC is running Win XP.
You'll see your browser forwarded to the "MS Download Center" page. OK, it
still work for you English language people, but not for non-English people
such as Japanese, because the download center page is an English page. Many
of visitors to my site do not understand English because they are elementary
school kids or aged people.

So, I want to provide a clear concrete "step-by-step" description for people
should get MSORUN.dll from Microsoft-Japan site. And first of all my work, I
need to know I should help for whom.

Any Idea?


I know, the "Microsoft-Japan download center page" I wrote in previous
message is this.
Does that solve the problem for you?

No. My point is, how I can let visitors know if he/her doesn't have
msorun.dll in PC and should download it. And what I'm attempt to avoid is,
to make visitors be surprised by suddenly step into "full English" download
center page. Before the visitors open my presentations, they need to be
guided to the page you pointed.

I'm thinking of two options, one is give visitors description about
conditions to go and download, another one is develop HTML page which detect
installation of msorun.dll and let visitors go automatically. I'll try
second one quickly.

Anyway, thank you for help Steve.
Doumo arigatou gozaimashita. :)


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