Need .NK2 Software



Hello, I am wanting to export the contents of the .NK2 file info a .CSV
file. I found a web site that supposedly has software to do this, but the
web site is up for sale: Obviously, I cannot download the software.
Does anyone have the software and can you email it to me? Or if someone
knows where I can download the software, please advise. TIA Marshall

Newt Ownsquare

Hope this helps,

| Hello, I am wanting to export the contents of the .NK2 file info a .CSV
| file. I found a web site that supposedly has software to do this, but the
| web site is up for sale:
| Obviously, I cannot download the software.
| Does anyone have the software and can you email it to me? Or if someone
| knows where I can download the software, please advise. TIA Marshall

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