Need No leading "0" and 3 decimal points?




I'm using Excel 2003.

For our baseball team I want to format a cell to calculate batting averages.
I want the calculated number to be a 3-digit number (such as .367) with NO
"0" before the decimal point...AND...if it calculates out to be something
like .400, I want it to read .400 instead of .4

I'm currently using the "custom" formatting of ".###" however, if like in
the example above the formula calculates out to end in a zero (such as .410)
it will show as .41 and not .410

I know this is probably simple and I'm over-looking something obvious, but I
can't figure it out.

Thank you!


Duh. THANK YOU! I knew the answer was right in front of my eyes. I really
appreciate your quick help!


Thanks for offering help Bob...but I tried that and it didn't work as it put
a "0" in front of the decimal point.

'uturnabout' (above) had the answer I was looking for. Thanks!

Bob I

Oh, sorry bout that.
Thanks for offering help Bob...but I tried that and it didn't work as it put
a "0" in front of the decimal point.

'uturnabout' (above) had the answer I was looking for. Thanks!


super wife and mom

OK, I was able to solve this problem...

Format Cells, Custom, and then under type, type .### to get batting averages
to look like .432

Hope this helps :)

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