Need opinions on Sub Webs


Elmo Watson

I finally had enough bad service from two different hosting companies (my
wife's site, and the Church's site I'm helping with)

I got hosting where I get all my other personal and professional sites -
SO - -

2 sites are FrontPage - my hosting company allows unlimited sub-webs and
unlimited domain pointers - what I'm planning, is putting 4 websites on the
same hosting plan - it's easy for 2 of them, since they're not FP sites - so
I can just create new folders, and have a domain pointer placed there for

However, I need opinions on how I should set up the two FP sites -
Ideally, I'd like all the sites to have their own folders in the main
directory. I don't normally work with FP, since most of my work is
ASP.Net/SQL Server, etc - -

Let's say my first site is my wife's site - in its own folder - are subwebs
their own entities?
Do the FP extensions work separately for multiple folders off the root?

How do you guys do this? Any ideas or direction on what would be your
opinion of the best way to set this thing up would be greatly appreciated.


Kevin Spencer

Hi Elmo,

Yes, subwebs are separate entities. They do reside in folders under the root
web, and FrontPage handles each as its own separate web site. The only real
difference is that they do not have their own IP addresses or domain names.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer

Presuming that God is "only an idea" -
Ideas exist.
Therefore, God exists.

Elmo Watson

Can I have (in a hosted situation) two separate subdirectories, each with
their own FrontPage extensions?

Kevin Spencer

Sure can Elmo.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer

Presuming that God is "only an idea" -
Ideas exist.
Therefore, God exists.

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