Need persistent shared session in OneNote



OneNote shared sessions are really great for team collaboration. The only
problem is that you have to set up a new session all the time because once
the last person has left a shared session the session is not persisted.

There should be a way for me when I set up a shared session to declare it to
be a persistent session. Then any participant in the session could
reactivate the session by simply reopening it and that session would have all
the shared documents, participants, etc. that were originally established in
the session. Or maybe you could set up a session as normal, but before I as
a participant leave a session I could "dehydrate" it somehow so when I come
back tomorrow I can rehydrate the session and rejoin it.

We have thought about faking this by keeping a separate computer where we
would originate all our shared workgroup sessions once and never log off that
computer. It would act as a "server" to maintain the state of that session
so anybody could come back any time, but it would be much better if OneNote
itself recognized and supported the idea of persistent sessions.

John Szurek

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