Need PHP help please ???



About a year ago I designed my first page using PHP and while it took awhile
to understand its workings I got it rather quickly. But now I have a new

A little background might help. This new site is going to be a website for
graduates of a boarding academy. The current website I designed last year
is for my individual class. Because my class was 41 people I had each
classmate on their own page with the database suppling things like, name,
address, birthdate, email and so forth.

The new site will contain a name, address, occupation, and email for every
graduate since the school opened in 1893. (approx. 7000-8000 students)
Instead of every student having their own page, this time it will be one
page for each graduating class. The page will have a table for each student
with their graduation photo on the left and cells containing their name,
address, occupation, and email to the right. So how do I make each table
pull information from a different database record ID and input the name into
the name cell, the address into the address cell, and so forth?

Any help would be greatly appreciate. I'm trying to get this figured out so
I can present the alumni association with an example site so they can decide
exactly what features they want on the final site.

You can see what I'm talking about at:

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