need recommendation for host


Beemer Biker

I am paying about $28 a month for a yahoo small business account. I am not
running a business, only a non-commercial web page for our motorcycle club.
Any traffic would be members viewing photos of events or checking news or
calender of events. I think I am paying too much seeing I am not running a
commercial enterprise nor am I using much bandwidth as no one is downloading
mp3's, movies etc. I am not selling anything, useing a shopping cart, etc.
Very simple site and frontpage seems to be more than sufficient for us.

Is this price, $28 a month, about right for what I am doing?


Beemer Biker joestateson at grandecom dot net Ask about my 99'R1100RT

Beemer Biker

Ronx said:
Take a look at
Sounds like (depending on space requirements) more features than Yahoo for
less than $10.00 per month.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support:

Thanks, they seem very reasonable. I noticed there are no ads or banners
unlike yahoo.

It turned out that my yahoo fee is only 11.95 as I had mistakenly included
the domain name, a yearly fee, not a monthly fee, so my $28 was actually
$11.99 I am getting 4gb of disk space. If i pay webhostforlife for more
space, then it comes up to about $10, still slightly better then yahoo.

David Berry

I've been using WebHost4Life for a few years and have several sites there as
well as many customer's sites there and I've never had a problem with them
and they offer great features at a reasonable cost.



I recommend alentus ( and webhost4life, and stay away from

For webhost4life, I only used it for about 6 months (for a static site as a
trial) and it's pretty good except during the first week, we have had some
access problems but since then, it is working great. We have both MySQL and
SQL 2005 from its plan. And if its performance can stay the same for
another 6 months or so, I might move more mission-critical sites to it as



$10-12 should be reasonable and if you're to use one lower than that, you
might get some tradeoffs, such as banner ads, instability, no response for
calls, and so on, but it might be ok other than annoying if this is just a
hobby site.

However, you should also consider security and privacy issues even for
non-commercial sites so using one with a better reputation for a few dollars
more is worthwhile.



$10-12 should be reasonable and if you're to use one lower than that,
you might get some tradeoffs, such as banner ads, instability, no
response for calls, and so on, but it might be ok other than annoying if
this is just a hobby site.

However, you should also consider security and privacy issues even for
non-commercial sites so using one with a better reputation for a few
dollars more is worthwhile.

I would recommend at $7-$8 / month. Some very generous
bandwidth & storage. Well beyond anything we need at any rate. No banner
ads, decent support (i.e. 24/7 phone & email), well connected, 99.97%
uptime guarantee, free domain name with annual subscription, etc.

They have multiple plans and for more money you can get more bandwidth &
storage. It just depends on how many hits your site gets per month.

I'm just a satisfied customer with no other connections to them.

Good luck.


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