In this part of the formula:
The MATCH section above restricts the referenced range to end in the cell to
the left of the matched item. If the matched item is "Granny Smith" and that
value is in cell B8, the formula will evaulate to A1:A8. In the example you
posted, you wouldn't see any #DIV/0!'s or 1's beyond the 8th item.
Consequently, the last 1 would pertain to the last category before, or at,
the "Granny Smith" value.
Next: The selection of the correct 1 in the array.
When the list of values is numeric and the 3rd argument of the MATCH
function is either omitted or set to 1, indicating an approximate match, the
MATCH function assumes that the values are in ascending order. If the values
are NOT in ascending order, the function will stop at the first value that is
larger than the searched value and returns the previous numeric value that is
less than the searched value. #DIV/0!'s are ignored. I'm pretty sure it
would even skip an exact match further down the list. (The best way to
understand the function is probably to experiment with it.) If no values are
larger than the searched value, it will match the last value that is less
than the searched value. In our case, the values are either #DIV/0!'s or 1's
and we are searching for a 2, so there are no ambiguities.
Does that help?
XL2002, WinXP-Pro
Dan said:
Quick question. Within the formula pleae explain the
Specificaly once the 1/(1-ISBLANK(A1:INDEX(A1:A10,MATCH(C1,B1:B10,0),1)))))
is evaluated.
Now I have
Note: I extended the range and added a thrid choice to better understand the
How does MATCH return the second "1" response versus the first or third "1",
which is the correct response.
Ron Coderre said:
Try something like this:
Using your sample data with Category in Col_A and Items in Col_B
C1: Granny Smith
Note 1: Commit that array formula by holding down the [Ctrl][Shift] keys and
press [Enter].
In that example, D1 equates to "Apples".
Note 2: In case the posting wraps incorrectly, there are NO spaces in that
Does that help?
XL2002, WinXP-Pro
I have two columns with multiple sets of data, based on the entered value I
need the corresponding header returned.
For example:
Column A Column B
Apples Green
Granny Smith
Red Delicious
Oranges Naval
Now based on a response in another sheet I need to return either "Apple" or
=INDEX('Fruit'!A1:A65535,MATCH(K50,'Fruit'!B:B65535,0)) will work if I copy
Apple next to each apple type, but for other items the list of options can
grow dramatically.