Need simple follow-up on multiple projects deliverables and time s



I need to provide a list of delivrable per project

Basic Delivrable, dates (star\finish, hour plan, hour spend, % completion,
remaining hours

So fare when I enter hours plan and spend the calculation of % completion
and remaining hour is wrong
ex 100hrs budget, 40 hrs spend, 54% and 50hrs remaining

I'm missing something


Hi Vincent,

The % Complete field is a duration measurement. I suggest adding the % Work
Complete field and allowing project to calculate the field by entering Actual
Work and Remaining Work.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.



I was thinking that having the budgeted time enter, entering the actual work
would calculate the remaining work (the difference) and the % work would also


Hi Vincent,

You are correct. When you save the baseline for the task the "budgeted
work" is saved in the Baseline Work field and the budgeted duration (time
task spans from start to finish) is saved in the Baseline Duration field. If
you then enter the Actual Work, Project will calculate both Remaining Work
and the % Work Complete as well as the Actual Duration, Remaining Duration,
and % Complete.
In my earlier posting when I mentioned entering Remaining Work, I should
have said adjusting Remaining Work *if necessary*. If you just enter Actual
Work, Project will assume your original work estimate (Baseline Work) was
accurate, however as your resources begin the task, they may discover the
Baseline Work was either too much or too little. By adjusting Remaining
Work, if necessary, Project will then recalculate % Work Complete.

Hope this helps to clarify things.


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