Need some help and explaination. Thks.



Hi, can anyone help me with this problem??
Currently, I am using excel 97 on an Window XP platform. My previou
Windows 98 and excel 97 was gone due to an upgrade of cpu. After th
changes, I start to experience some unexplained changes which I hop
someone can help me.

I have one excel macro which generates a .bat script for ftp files fro
a server everyday. It is working fine on my supervisor com but not o
mine. :(

First problem is in this code:
BatchFile = Range("d2").Value
Open BatchFile For Output As #1
Error => When I open the excel macro, it produce an error (Run-tim
error 55: File already open) which I am sure there isn't any ope

Second problem is in this code:
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.LookIn = "z:\GsmOmc\TrafRept\IDD\"
.FileName = "*IDD_*.xls" <
Error => When the excel macro runs to .FileName command, it produces a
error (Run-time error 5: invalid procedure call or argument)
Solution => My search on net is a suggestion to replace "*IDD_*.xls
with "". which will display ALL the files which is not what I wanted.
wish to make as little change as possible because it is data critical.

Can someone help me with the above two problems?
The macro runs perfectly fine on my supervisor cpu (Excel 97 and windo

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