Need some help and explaination. Thks.



Thks dave for your advice. I have kinda solve the problem using
primitive solution as below:

.LookIn = "z:\GsmOmc\TrafRept\in-bound-roamer\"
'.FileName = "in_*.txt"
.FileName = ".txt" => solution
If .Execute > 0 Then
Year = ""
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Filenames = .FoundFiles(i) => solution
Filetype = Right(.FoundFiles(i), 4) => solution
If InStr(1, Filenames, "in_", vbTextCompare) = 36 An
StrComp(".txt", Filetype) = 0 Then => solution

This is just case someone like me who is desperate for a quic
How about checking your filenames before you do anything with them?
Dave I have check the filenames by inserting the msgbox command an
have confirm they are correct.

BTW do you still have the links for that articles you mention? M
window XP platform has been giving me lots of headache ever since i
has been setup. Now I have faced with another problem which I hav
posted separately to avoid confusion. :

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