I'm sure this qustion has been presented and put to rest many times in
the past but I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for.
I need to be able to scan existing barcodes on inventory items and have
them show up in Access with my own description. Example: I scan a
Linksys Network card's barcode and am then able to assign my own
description for it. A user can then look at my database and see the
new description and quantity. I know this is possible, I just don't
know how to implement it.
I'm just starting to explore the world of barcoding and know next to
nothing abot it...(obviously). I currently have no barcoding hardware
but plan on getting a handheld Wasp or some other equiv. if that would
do the trick. Please help or point out a good tutorial.
the past but I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for.
I need to be able to scan existing barcodes on inventory items and have
them show up in Access with my own description. Example: I scan a
Linksys Network card's barcode and am then able to assign my own
description for it. A user can then look at my database and see the
new description and quantity. I know this is possible, I just don't
know how to implement it.
I'm just starting to explore the world of barcoding and know next to
nothing abot it...(obviously). I currently have no barcoding hardware
but plan on getting a handheld Wasp or some other equiv. if that would
do the trick. Please help or point out a good tutorial.