Need some help with VBA as it applies to Word AutoFormat

  • Thread starter shripathikamath
  • Start date


Here is the problem in a nutshell:

I launch Word thru automation.
I then populate tabular data into a document that I obtain from a
I format the data using the AutoFormat property off the table object
I save the document as an HTML file.
From what I can see, the HTML file is saved, but the data looks to be

So, instead of saving it to an HTML file, I saved it to a DOC file.

Then, I see what the problem is -- the formatting has not been applied
(or completed) prior to saving the document. If I format it, or change
the formatting, I find that the data is correct.

I try this without automation, and what I find is that for a large
table, the data is populated first, and the formatting takes place
(likely) in the background, and takes some time to finish.

What is likely happening is that the save occurs before the formatting
has completed.

Any way to solve this problem, such that I can wait for some event or
some flag to be set before I initiate the save operation?

Are there properties in the Word object or its sub-objects that I can
set to achieve the desired result? Something along the lines of a
non-background formatting?

Any pointers would be a big help.

Thanks in advance.

Charles Kenyon

I'm amazed that AutoFormat gives you a result that you find useful. If this
is a later version of Word, applying a table style might be quicker.
Charles Kenyon

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Charles said:
I'm amazed that AutoFormat gives you a result that you find useful. If this
is a later version of Word, applying a table style might be quicker.

I need to make it work with Word 2000, XP, and 2003.

The speed is fine, the results are not.

Jean-Guy Marcil

(e-mail address removed) was telling us:
(e-mail address removed) nous racontait que :
Here is the problem in a nutshell:

I launch Word thru automation.
I then populate tabular data into a document that I obtain from a
I format the data using the AutoFormat property off the table object
I save the document as an HTML file.

So, instead of saving it to an HTML file, I saved it to a DOC file.

Then, I see what the problem is -- the formatting has not been applied
(or completed) prior to saving the document. If I format it, or
change the formatting, I find that the data is correct.

I try this without automation, and what I find is that for a large
table, the data is populated first, and the formatting takes place
(likely) in the background, and takes some time to finish.

Not likely, formatting is fairly fast, unless you have a huge table and are
applying many formatting operation. But with Auto it is usually fairly
What is likely happening is that the save occurs before the formatting
has completed.

I do not think this is possible. If you apply formatting, then Word will
complete the event before moving on to the next one (I mean it cannot save
while it is formatting, either it is formatting or it is saving).

There maybe something else going on here.
How are you automating Word?

In any case, have you tried with a Do Events in your code?

Or, Save it twice before closing it?

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:


Jean-Guy Marcil said:
(e-mail address removed) was telling us:
(e-mail address removed) nous racontait que :

Not likely, formatting is fairly fast, unless you have a huge table and are
applying many formatting operation. But with Auto it is usually fairly

I can only describe what I see. I can see that the table is drawn, but
empty, and then it finishes formatting a little while later.
I do not think this is possible. If you apply formatting, then Word will
complete the event before moving on to the next one (I mean it cannot save
while it is formatting, either it is formatting or it is saving).

So I thought. Until I put a Beep following the AutoFormat method
invocation, and I heard the Beep *long* before the table finished
There maybe something else going on here.
How are you automating Word?

Actually, in this test, I am simply opening Word, and running a macro
from my add-in.

The addin reads a table of data from a database, and puts it into an
open document, and applies a known format (Colorful 1).

The table has approximately 500 rows. The formatting finishes within a
couple of seconds, but definitely there is a noticeable pause prior to
the table appearing in its full format.

WHen I run it in automation, I launch Word, open a document, and run
the macro from within the addin.

What gets saved appears very much like what I see just prior to the
data appearing fully formatted as described above.

If I select the table, because of the selection colors, I do see that
data is indeed (correctly) saved in the document. Just the format is
missing, and I see blank rows.

In any case, have you tried with a Do Events in your code?

Or, Save it twice before closing it?

Thanks, I have not, so I'll try that.

From the mvps site, I see a suggestion for using one of the dialogs.
DO you know if something like that is faster.

Actually speed is not an issue, the 2 to 5 seconds it takes is
perfectly fine, I just need the formatting to be complete before I save

I'll try your suggestions.



If you post the code it might be easier to help?

I can only describe what I see. I can see that the table is drawn, but
empty, and then it finishes formatting a little while later.

So I thought. Until I put a Beep following the AutoFormat method
invocation, and I heard the Beep *long* before the table finished

Actually, in this test, I am simply opening Word, and running a macro
from my add-in.

The addin reads a table of data from a database, and puts it into an
open document, and applies a known format (Colorful 1).

The table has approximately 500 rows. The formatting finishes within a
couple of seconds, but definitely there is a noticeable pause prior to
the table appearing in its full format.

WHen I run it in automation, I launch Word, open a document, and run
the macro from within the addin.

What gets saved appears very much like what I see just prior to the
data appearing fully formatted as described above.

If I select the table, because of the selection colors, I do see that
data is indeed (correctly) saved in the document. Just the format is
missing, and I see blank rows.

Thanks, I have not, so I'll try that.

DO you know if something like that is faster.

Actually speed is not an issue, the 2 to 5 seconds it takes is
perfectly fine, I just need the formatting to be complete before I save

I'll try your suggestions.



Chuck said:
If you post the code it might be easier to help?

Thanks, I'll give it a shot. These are the snippets. The following is
the main function.

'Method that interface with the addin to process the query and place
'the results into the document. Calls other VBA methods to do the
' and formatting of the query
Private Sub RunQuery(ByVal Qry As String)
Dim QueryData() As String
Dim start As Integer

QueryData = GetAddIn().WordQuery(g_currentServerName,
g_rawQueryString, SilentMode)
Dim i As Integer
start = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Place the table in the report and format it
If CBool(m_includeHeadings) Then
start = 0
start = 1
End If
If UBound(QueryData) > 0 Then
For i = start To UBound(QueryData)
Selection.InsertAfter (QueryData(i) & vbCr)
Selection.ConvertToTable (";")
Beep ' <- This is audible noticeably before the formatting
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

And here is the ApplyTableFormat. The globals have been omitted

' Apply the selected formatting options to the table
Private Sub ApplyTableFormat()
Dim resultTable As Table
Set resultTable = Selection.Tables(1)

If Not resultTable Is Nothing Then
With resultTable
.AutoFormat _
Format:=AutoFormatValue, _
ApplyBorders:=CBool(UseBorder), _
ApplyShading:=CBool(UseShading), _
ApplyFont:=CBool(UseFont), _
ApplyColor:=CBool(UseColor), _
AutoFit:=CBool(UseAutoFit), _
ApplyHeadingRows:=CBool(ApplyStyleHeadingRows), _
ApplyLastRow:=CBool(ApplyStyleLastRow), _
ApplyFirstColumn:=CBool(ApplyStyleFirstColumn), _
End With
'repeat page headings setting has no meaning if there are no
'headings to start with
If CBool(m_includeHeadings) Then
If PageHeadings Then
resultTable.Rows.Item(1).HeadingFormat = True
End If
End If
DoEvents ' <- has no effect
End If
End Sub


I once ran into a somewhat similar problem in that the code seemed to run
ahead of Word's ability to process it. The following code runs in the
AutoExec of our

If Dir$(AUTOTEXT_PATH & "") <> "" Then
'load add in
AddIns.Add _
"", _
End If

Without the comment ('load add in) the code would execute but the add in
wouldn't be loaded yet would generate no error messages either. With the
comment the add in loads properly. I know, I know, the comment should make
no difference, but it does at least in our specific circumstances (believe me
I tested that thoroughly because I couldn't believe it myself -- it has
nothing to do with the specific (ie its not that it's corrupt or
anything) because that happens no matter what file I tested that code in).

So even though this sounds ridiculous, perhaps you could try some "do
nothing" code after ApplyTableFormat and before the Beep just to see if that
gives Word a chance to catch up with the VBA? For instance you could assign
a variable to the contents of the last cell in the table and test its length
(eg strLastCell = len(selection.tables(1).cells.last)? Eg:

With Selection.Tables(1)
If Len(.Cell(.Rows.Count, _
.Columns.Count).Range.Text) > 2 Then
'do nothing
End If
End With

Sorry can't be of more help.


Thanks for the suggestion, and thank you all.

Unfortunately, I still have not found a solution that works.

Basically, what I am trying to do does not sound too novel, so it bugs
me that it is not a simple fix :)

1. Create a table with 300 to 500 rows, 5 columns
2. Format it as Colorful 1
3. Save it as an HTML file

All from automation.

The problem is that Step 2 seems to be done asynchronously, in that the
HTML file saved looks like the formatting did not complete (empirically

Yet if I put in DoEvents looping some million times after Step 2, the
formatting waits, till the looping is done.

I change Step 3 to a regular .doc file, and it appears to work just

I was sure *someone* has run across this, I am still pretty sure, just
not able to solve it...

All I need to know is if there is a way to determine when, any
formatting in progress is completed


How to force a format of a table so that the call does not return till
the formatting is complete.

Thanks everyone, if you find some pointers, it'd help a lot


So how about saving as a .doc file first then saving as html and then killing
the .doc file?


I had tried that too, but it did not work.

But finally, I found *a* solution. What I did was save the file twice,
but not in a row. I saved it after I fill the table, and again after I
format the table. The trick of saving before and after the format
seemed to help

That seems to work a 100% of the time.

Here is the complete code to reproduce the problem (need to comment
indicated line for reproducing the error), and the fix that worked for

Option Explicit

Sub Test()
Dim table As table

' create a new document
Dim doc As Document
Set doc = Application.Documents.Add

' create the table in the document
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set table = CreateTable(doc)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

' save it as a unformatted HTML
doc.SaveAs "c:\aaaHTML.htm", wdFormatHTML

' format it
table.AutoFormat (wdTableFormatColorful1)

' save it as a formatted HTML
doc.SaveAs "c:\aaaHTML.htm", wdFormatHTML
doc.Close True
End Sub
Function CreateTable(doc As Document) As table
Dim rows As Integer
Dim columns As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

rows = 600 ' must be > 0
columns = 5 ' must be > 1

For i = 1 To rows
For j = 1 To columns - 1
Selection.InsertAfter "Cell(" & i & "," & j & ")" & ";"
Next j
Selection.InsertAfter "Cell(" & i & "," & columns & ")" & vbCr
Next i

Dim table As table

Set table = Selection.ConvertToTable(";")
Set CreateTable = table
End Function

Thanks to everyone who helped

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