Need step by step for Synchronizing AD to Project Server 2003



I am new to this.

I have searched the documentation I can find, and it tells me I can sync AD
to Project Server.

The ONLY thing I've found out about this is that the AD group has to match
the group name in Project. So I assume that I need to create "Team Members",
"Project Managers" etc groups in AD.

Is this correct?

Is there anything else a neophyte needs to know about what to do/or not to
do when setting up Project Server 2003 for the first time and trying to
create a resource pool that can be shared across all projects.

Any pointers to specific documentation on how to do this would be helpful.



under the details for each security group (click modify group), there is a
field to specify the AD group you want to sync with called "Active Directory
Group". This is the field that must match the actual AD group you wish to
sync with. I have found you just need to specify the group name and don't
need to specify the domain. You can call the group any meaningful name you
need - such as MSProjMgrs or whatever - it doesn't need to match the name
security group name.

It is also a good idea to also specify a group for the enterprise resource
pool under admin/server configuration to sync with that is the superset of
potential users.


Ben Fletcher

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