Need step by step to add invoice numbering to excel template



I created a template in excel, now i need to create invoice numbering
starting with AM8023. I am new to 2007, please give me step by step
procedures, Please.


I dont understand how to put the codes in the vba, please can i email you the
template and you can do it for me, or give me the example of how the code
should be placed. my next invoice number is AM8023. PLEASE.


Send the file to (remove all spaces)
Help From @

I'll set it up for you and send it back along with instructions on how I did
it. It may take a day or so to get it back to you, I'm kind of loaded up for
at least the next 24-36 hours with priority projects.


By now you should have received my response to your email. I provided 2
solutions: one that works by double-clicking on the cell that the invoice
number is to be displayed in, and a second one that uses a .txt file to
'remember' the last invoice number used.
If you have any questions about either, let me know via email since others
can't see the solutions here.

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