Need to add a line with a value in addition to x & y axis



I am trying to create a chart in Excel as clustered columns with th
following data (I have also attached a copy of my file from Exce

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5
2002 18.60 3.49 5.14 8.52 3.75
2003 14.54 3.53 1.96 10.22 7.29
2004 3.50 1.77 0.00 7.28 3.71

The years are shown in the legend, the category axis (division names
are at the bottom, and the value axis is on the side. There is also a
industry standard that applies to all values (not by year) and I want t
have a line that shows where this value is in relation to the yearl
values for each division. I don't know where to place that data t
have it shown on my chart without it showing up under one of the years
or as a separate column bar. I did draw a line to place on the chart
but it's hard to place it in the exact position and I would like t
have Excel place it each time it changes. I'll be using these chart
repeatedly, with different values. Is this something that's possibl
to do in Excel? Help

Debra Dalgleish

Add the Industry Standard values in the column to the right of Division5
Select the chart
On the Chart toolbar, click the By Column button, so the years are on
the X-axis.
Right-click on the Industry Standard series
Choose Chart>Chart Type
Select the line chart type, and one of the subtypes
Click OK

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