I have an excel file that can range between 22000 - 66000 lines of data; of
which I needed to determine which rows were duplicates based on a file
number. I used this formula =IF(COUNTIF(H$2:H$29383,H2)>1,"Duplicated","")
to make that determination. THen I used a filter and the office clipboard
to copy and paste just the duplicate files into a new sheet. From the new
sheet, I need to use another column (L) to validate if it is something that
needs to be reported. If it has the same file number (column h) and the
montior type (column L) reflect QC COMP and UMR without a third match I need
to be able to delete the file. The rest needs to remain.
which I needed to determine which rows were duplicates based on a file
number. I used this formula =IF(COUNTIF(H$2:H$29383,H2)>1,"Duplicated","")
to make that determination. THen I used a filter and the office clipboard
to copy and paste just the duplicate files into a new sheet. From the new
sheet, I need to use another column (L) to validate if it is something that
needs to be reported. If it has the same file number (column h) and the
montior type (column L) reflect QC COMP and UMR without a third match I need
to be able to delete the file. The rest needs to remain.