Need to calculate a number based on a date


Tutu B

I need help calculating a number in a Word 2003 mail
merge. I have a date for when an individual starts
working, I need to merge the date and have it give me how
many years they have worked.


Hi Tutu B,

Two ways:

1) You could use a macro like:

Sub CalcTerm()
Dim StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date, Include As String
Dim Years As Integer, Months As Integer, Days As Integer, DaysInMonth As
On Error GoTo ExitSub
StartDate = InputBox("Enter the Start Date in dd/mm/yyyy format")
EndDate = InputBox("Enter the End Date in dd/mm/yyyy format")
Include = UCase(Left(InputBox("Include both the Start and End Dates?
(Y/N)"), 1))
If (Month(EndDate) = 2) Then
DaysInMonth = 28 + (Month(EndDate) = 2) * ((Year(EndDate) Mod 4 = 0) +
(Year(EndDate) Mod 400 = 0) - (Year(EndDate) Mod 100 = 0))
DaysInMonth = 31 - (Month(EndDate) = 4) - (Month(EndDate) = 6) -
(Month(EndDate) = 9) - (Month(EndDate) = 11)
End If
Years = Year(EndDate) - Year(StartDate) + (Month(EndDate) <
Month(StartDate)) + (Month(EndDate) = Month(StartDate)) * (Day(EndDate) <
Day(StartDate) + (Include = "Y"))
Months = (12 + Month(EndDate) - Month(StartDate) + (Day(EndDate) <
Day(StartDate) + (Include = "Y"))) Mod 12
Days = (DaysInMonth + Day(EndDate) - Day(StartDate) - (Include = "Y")) Mod
MsgBox "The term is " & Years & " year(s) " & Months & " month(s) " & Days &
" day(s)."
End Sub

2) Do the calculation with a Word field. You can download a Word document
with fields coded to do this and more with dates from:
(url all one line)

In either case, modify to suit your needs


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