Need to Calculate date in merge


Scott Sanford

I have the need to calculate a date + 21 days from the date that a merge
form is actually merged. I did a Google search and looked into the forums,
but found nothing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


P.S. I did try the following from Calculate Date Field.doc:

{ QUOTE "{ SET Delay "14" }{ SET "DaysInMonth" { IF { CREATEDATE \@ "MM" }
<> 2 { = round(30.575*{ CREATEDATE \@ "MM" },0)-ROUND(30.575*{ = {
CREATEDATE \@ "MM" } -1 },0) }{ IF { = MOD({ CREATEDATE \@"yy" }, 4 ) } > 0
"28" "29" } } }{ SET "NextMonth" { IF { CREATEDATE \@ "MM" } = 12 "1/97"
"{ = { CREATEDATE \@ "MM" } + 1 }/97 } }{ IF { = { REF Delay } + {
CREATEDATE \@ "dd" } } <= { DaysInMonth }{ CREATEDATE \@ "MMMM { = { REF
Delay} + { CREATEDATE \@ "dd" } }, yyyy"}{ QUOTE { NextMonth \@ "MMMM" } { =
{ REF Delay } + { CREATEDATE \@ "dd" } - { DaysInMonth } }, { IF { }
CREATEDATE \@ "MM" } <> 12 { CREATEDATE \@ "yyyy" }{ CREATEDATE \@ "{ = 1 +
{ CREATEDATE \@ "yyyy" } \# "xxxx" }" } } } }" }

but I get Integer Expected Error...

Scott Sanford

Thanks, will try.
Graham Mayor said:
Given the difficulty in transcribing complex field constructions like this
into real fields, whilst still ensuring that everything is present, it
help you if you simply copied the construction from a template that
it - see

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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