Need to convert Outlook Journal Duration to a number


JRO Mtn Group

How do I create a formula that converts a Outlook Journal Duration to a
number that represents hours:For Instance - I want the following to all be
hours without the word "Hours" or "Hour" or "minutes" (I want to use the
number of hours in another formula....
3.5 hours
1 hour
45 minutes
2 hours
All this is in one column -
I got as far as if(isnumber(search("hour",A2)), but now what? How do I get
the 3.5 to use it in a formula...


JRO Mtn Group

David - thanks - I figured it out very early this am - was on a roll...
I appreciate you help

David Biddulph

Your formula doesn't cope with inputs in the format which you quoted in your
original message, but I'm glad that you're happy with the answer.

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