Need to covert 4 OE6 mail accounts to 4 Outlook Profiles. How?



I am converting from Outlook Express to Outlook... Currently I have 4 OE6
e-mail accounts and I want to set-up 4 Outlook profiles. Thus, I want to
import my OE6 e-mail messages into the 4 unique Outlook Profiles. How do I
ensure that the Outlook import feature only imports from 1 of the OE6 mail
accounts -- and NOT all 4 of them -- when I use the import feature?
I simply want to set-up 4 Outlook profiles -- one for each of the current 4
OE6 mail accounts.

Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]

Are you using separate OE Identities for these accounts?

I believe you'll have better luck exporting from OE instead of Importing
with Outlook.

What I'd do is create the 4 Outlook Profiles, start Outlook with the first,
then export the data going to this Profile from OE.
Close Outlook, open it again with the next Profile and repeat the process.
This will require 4 separate exports, but should accomplish the overall

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' -

Brian Tillman

ft3 said:
I am converting from Outlook Express to Outlook... Currently I have
4 OE6 e-mail accounts and I want to set-up 4 Outlook profiles.
Thus, I want to import my OE6 e-mail messages into the 4 unique
Outlook Profiles. How do I ensure that the Outlook import feature
only imports from 1 of the OE6 mail accounts -- and NOT all 4 of them
-- when I use the import feature?
I simply want to set-up 4 Outlook profiles -- one for each of the
current 4 OE6 mail accounts.

Let's keep the discussion in the original thread.

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