Need to display fields but only when another field is "xx"



I have a report that that shows canceled and completed jobs (3 and 4)
i only want to display the SalesSpiff amount if the job is completed.
I have tried to use the IIF([JobStatus]="3",[SalesSpiff],"") but i
cannot seem to make it work.

Any suggestions?

Andi Mayer

I have a report that that shows canceled and completed jobs (3 and 4)
i only want to display the SalesSpiff amount if the job is completed.
I have tried to use the IIF([JobStatus]="3",[SalesSpiff],"") but i
cannot seem to make it work.

Any suggestions?

is [JobStatus] a report control?

is [JobStatus] a string?

If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message

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