greg said:
After tyipng a 2 colum document in word and saving it, I wish to email
document. I select the outlook icon and pull it into email. The
are not receiving a 2 colum document. it is reverting to a single
colum. I
do have a text box at the top which I'm using as a header.
What am I doing wrong?
You pull the Outlook icon into e-mail? Why would pulling an icon which
is a shortcut to load Outlook into an e-mail message (which presumably
you are composing using Outlook) help to send a specific document to a
After editing the document with Word, just attach it to your e-mail
message. Don't paste it into the body of the message. Outlook is an
e-mail program and not the Word program, so it won't understand any
codes or formatting from Word when you paste the document into the
e-mail compose editor in Outlook. If you are using Word as your e-mail
editor (a VERY bad choice due to the bloat of HTML code that Word adds)
then Word actually will convert the document into HTML format when you
send e-mail from there. Just write your mail and then attach the .doc
file to it. Then your recipients get the .doc file and will use Word to
read it the way you formatted it (presuming you don't use features
available only in a new version of Word that are not present in an old
version of Word that your recipients may be using).