I have several hundred rows of text which contains numbers. I need t
separate the segments from each other. For example: "1twinkle twinkl
little star 2how I wonder what you are 3up above the world 4so brigh
5like a diamond 6in the sky 7shine so high 8twinkle twinkle 9little sta
10how I wonder what you are"
The text between the numbers will vary in length and numbers may doubl
digit but will always be in numerical order but not necessarily startin
with 1.
I can do this with multiple steps: remove first number so as to be abl
to find the second number and then trim the left portion up to the 2n
number. Repeating this multiple times works. But there must be a simple
way. I get bogged down though when the numbers become double digit. Hel
separate the segments from each other. For example: "1twinkle twinkl
little star 2how I wonder what you are 3up above the world 4so brigh
5like a diamond 6in the sky 7shine so high 8twinkle twinkle 9little sta
10how I wonder what you are"
The text between the numbers will vary in length and numbers may doubl
digit but will always be in numerical order but not necessarily startin
with 1.
I can do this with multiple steps: remove first number so as to be abl
to find the second number and then trim the left portion up to the 2n
number. Repeating this multiple times works. But there must be a simple
way. I get bogged down though when the numbers become double digit. Hel