Need to keep re-linking tables


Dianne L

I migrated a FE-BE database to Access 2007. Now, everytime the computer is
shut off and turned back on, we have to keep reattaching the tables through
the linked table manager. This is annoying. How can I insure that the link
stays each time?

Thank you for your help.

Allen Browne

Dianne, where is the back end located? Any chance this is inconsistent?

For example, if you are using Windows Vista, and the back end is in a folder
under C:\Program Files\ you need to be aware that Vista virtualizes these
folders. Try creating a folder somewhere else, e.g. C:\Data\ and see if that

Similarly if the folder is on a network drive such as P:\Data, you might try
using a UNC name (such as \\Server1\Data\ ) instead of the network drive

Another possibility (particularly on Vista) is that A2007 needs higher
privileges. Using the Windows Explorer (My Computer), create a shortcut to
msaccess.exe. Right-click the shortcut, and check the box for Run As
Admistrator. Start Access using this shortcut a few times, and see if the
linked tables stick.

Presumably you have already tried the basics such as turning off Name
AutoCorrect under:
Office Button | Access Options | Current Database | Name AutoCorrect
Then compact the database:
Office Button | Manage | Compact/Repair
Explanation of why:

Dianne L


Thanks for your suggestions - I will check into it.

I realized that I was not clear in my description of my problem... it is a
peer to peer network, the front ends are on 3 computers running Windows XP,
and they are linking to the data via drive letter access which sits on the
Vista computer. The front end on the Vista computer, of course, has no
trouble linking to the data on the same machine. I did put the back end in
its own folder called Contacts. The need to reattach the tables is always on
the 3 Windows XP machines.

I will check the privileges of Access 2007 on the 3 machines.

Thank you again for your reply.


Tony Toews [MVP]

Dianne L said:
I realized that I was not clear in my description of my problem... it is a
peer to peer network, the front ends are on 3 computers running Windows XP,
and they are linking to the data via drive letter access which sits on the
Vista computer.

Are you sure the front ends are on the 3 computers? And not shortcuts
to the FE on the Vista computer?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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