I have a macro to copy specific cells on 30 worksheets and paste that data to
another workbook to specific cells on 30 worksheets. The target workbook has
a column for the date of the source workbook. I'm getting a Project too large
error and think a loop procedure would fix the problem. I know there must be
a much simplier solution but I have no experience with looping. Here is the
code for the first 2 pages...it simply repeats until the 30th page.
Sub CapturePlumberData()
Dim wbSum As Workbook, wbData As Workbook
Set wbSum = Workbooks("2006 Consolidated Plumber File.xls")
Set wbData = ActiveWorkbook
' get source data from open sheet
Dim iOffice As Integer, iDate As Date, iValue '==IOffice is not needed==
'First Sheet - Need to do this for all 30 sheets
With wbData.Sheets(4)
'Don't need the ioffice Range
iOffice = .Range("J6")
iDate = .Range("C11")
With wbData.Sheets(4)
iValueSG = .Range("J15")
iValueAS = .Range("J16")
iValueV = .Range("J17")
iValueCR = .Range("J18")
iValueCC = .Range("J19")
iValueCRate = .Range("J20")
iValueAVGS = .Range("J21")
iValueRHW = .Range("J22")
iValueOHW = .Range("J23")
iValueLWP = .Range("J24")
iValueWPPS = .Range("J25")
ivalueRV = .Range("J26")
iValueBFSS = .Range("J27")
iValueBMV = .Range("J28")
iValueBIO = .Range("J29")
iValueRW = .Range("H33")
iValueOW = .Range("H34")
iValueBN = .Range("J31")
iValueSP = .Range("J32")
iValueTB = .Range("J33")
iValueTH = .Range("J34")
iValueTAW = .Range("J35")
iValueTWPPS = .Range("J36")
End With
' Set Px Sheets and apply all values
' apply iValueSG - Sales Goal to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
Dim lastrow As Long, lastcol As Long, xV As Long, xR As Long, xC As Long
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 2
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueSG
End With
' apply iValueAS - Actual Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 3
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAS
End With
' apply iValueV - Sales Variance to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 4
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueV
End With
' apply iValueCR - Calls Run to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 5
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCR
End With
' apply iValueCC - Calls Closed to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 6
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCC
End With
' apply iValueCRate - Calls Closed Rate to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 7
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCRate
End With
' apply iValueAVGS - Average Sale to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 8
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAVGS
End With
' apply iValueRHW - Regular Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 9
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueRHW
End With
' apply iValueOHW - OverTime Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 10
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueOHW
End With
' apply iValueLWP - Labor Wages Paid to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 11
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueLWP
End With
' apply iValueWPPS - Wages Paid as Percent of Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 12
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueWPPS
End With
' apply iValueRV - Return Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 13
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = ivalueRV
End With
' apply iValueBFSS - Ben Franklin Society's Sold to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 14
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBFSS
End With
' apply iValueBMV - BFS Maintenance Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 15
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBMV
End With
' apply iValueBIO - Bio Smarts Sold to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 16
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBIO
End With
' apply iValueRW - Regular Wages to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 17
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueRW
End With
' apply iValueOW - OverTime Hours to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 18
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueOW
End With
' apply iValueBN - Bonuses to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 19
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBN
End With
' apply iValueSP - Spiffs to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 20
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueSP
End With
' apply iValueTB - Total Bonuses to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 21
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTB
End With
' apply iValueTH - Total Hours to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 22
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTH
End With
' apply iValueTAW - Total All Wages to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 23
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTAW
End With
' apply iValueTWPPS - Total Wages Paid Percent of Sales to matched row and
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 24
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTWPPS
End With
'Second Sheet - Need to do this for all 30 sheets
With wbData.Sheets(5)
'Don't need the ioffice Range
iOffice = .Range("J6")
iDate = .Range("C11")
With wbData.Sheets(5)
iValueSG = .Range("J15")
iValueAS = .Range("J16")
iValueV = .Range("J17")
iValueCR = .Range("J18")
iValueCC = .Range("J19")
iValueCRate = .Range("J20")
iValueAVGS = .Range("J21")
iValueRHW = .Range("J22")
iValueOHW = .Range("J23")
iValueLWP = .Range("J24")
iValueWPPS = .Range("J25")
ivalueRV = .Range("J26")
iValueBFSS = .Range("J27")
iValueBMV = .Range("J28")
iValueBIO = .Range("J29")
iValueRW = .Range("H33")
iValueOW = .Range("H34")
iValueBN = .Range("J31")
iValueSP = .Range("J32")
iValueTB = .Range("J33")
iValueTH = .Range("J34")
iValueTAW = .Range("J35")
iValueTWPPS = .Range("J36")
End With
' Set Px Sheets and apply all values
' apply iValueSG - Sales Goal to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 2
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueSG
End With
' apply iValueAS - Actual Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 3
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAS
End With
' apply iValueV - Sales Variance to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 4
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueV
End With
' apply iValueCR - Calls Run to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 5
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCR
End With
' apply iValueCC - Calls Closed to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 6
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCC
End With
' apply iValueCRate - Calls Closed Rate to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 7
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCRate
End With
' apply iValueAVGS - Average Sale to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 8
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAVGS
End With
' apply iValueRHW - Regular Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 9
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueRHW
End With
' apply iValueOHW - OverTime Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 10
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueOHW
End With
' apply iValueLWP - Labor Wages Paid to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 11
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueLWP
End With
' apply iValueWPPS - Wages Paid as Percent of Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 12
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueWPPS
End With
' apply iValueRV - Return Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 13
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = ivalueRV
End With
' apply iValueBFSS - Ben Franklin Society's Sold to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 14
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBFSS
End With
' apply iValueBMV - BFS Maintenance Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 15
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBMV
End With
etc, etc
another workbook to specific cells on 30 worksheets. The target workbook has
a column for the date of the source workbook. I'm getting a Project too large
error and think a loop procedure would fix the problem. I know there must be
a much simplier solution but I have no experience with looping. Here is the
code for the first 2 pages...it simply repeats until the 30th page.
Sub CapturePlumberData()
Dim wbSum As Workbook, wbData As Workbook
Set wbSum = Workbooks("2006 Consolidated Plumber File.xls")
Set wbData = ActiveWorkbook
' get source data from open sheet
Dim iOffice As Integer, iDate As Date, iValue '==IOffice is not needed==
'First Sheet - Need to do this for all 30 sheets
With wbData.Sheets(4)
'Don't need the ioffice Range
iOffice = .Range("J6")
iDate = .Range("C11")
With wbData.Sheets(4)
iValueSG = .Range("J15")
iValueAS = .Range("J16")
iValueV = .Range("J17")
iValueCR = .Range("J18")
iValueCC = .Range("J19")
iValueCRate = .Range("J20")
iValueAVGS = .Range("J21")
iValueRHW = .Range("J22")
iValueOHW = .Range("J23")
iValueLWP = .Range("J24")
iValueWPPS = .Range("J25")
ivalueRV = .Range("J26")
iValueBFSS = .Range("J27")
iValueBMV = .Range("J28")
iValueBIO = .Range("J29")
iValueRW = .Range("H33")
iValueOW = .Range("H34")
iValueBN = .Range("J31")
iValueSP = .Range("J32")
iValueTB = .Range("J33")
iValueTH = .Range("J34")
iValueTAW = .Range("J35")
iValueTWPPS = .Range("J36")
End With
' Set Px Sheets and apply all values
' apply iValueSG - Sales Goal to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
Dim lastrow As Long, lastcol As Long, xV As Long, xR As Long, xC As Long
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 2
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueSG
End With
' apply iValueAS - Actual Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 3
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAS
End With
' apply iValueV - Sales Variance to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 4
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueV
End With
' apply iValueCR - Calls Run to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 5
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCR
End With
' apply iValueCC - Calls Closed to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 6
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCC
End With
' apply iValueCRate - Calls Closed Rate to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 7
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCRate
End With
' apply iValueAVGS - Average Sale to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 8
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAVGS
End With
' apply iValueRHW - Regular Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 9
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueRHW
End With
' apply iValueOHW - OverTime Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 10
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueOHW
End With
' apply iValueLWP - Labor Wages Paid to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 11
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueLWP
End With
' apply iValueWPPS - Wages Paid as Percent of Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 12
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueWPPS
End With
' apply iValueRV - Return Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 13
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = ivalueRV
End With
' apply iValueBFSS - Ben Franklin Society's Sold to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 14
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBFSS
End With
' apply iValueBMV - BFS Maintenance Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 15
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBMV
End With
' apply iValueBIO - Bio Smarts Sold to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 16
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBIO
End With
' apply iValueRW - Regular Wages to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 17
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueRW
End With
' apply iValueOW - OverTime Hours to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 18
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueOW
End With
' apply iValueBN - Bonuses to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 19
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBN
End With
' apply iValueSP - Spiffs to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 20
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueSP
End With
' apply iValueTB - Total Bonuses to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 21
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTB
End With
' apply iValueTH - Total Hours to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 22
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTH
End With
' apply iValueTAW - Total All Wages to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 23
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTAW
End With
' apply iValueTWPPS - Total Wages Paid Percent of Sales to matched row and
With wbSum.Sheets(2)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 24
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueTWPPS
End With
'Second Sheet - Need to do this for all 30 sheets
With wbData.Sheets(5)
'Don't need the ioffice Range
iOffice = .Range("J6")
iDate = .Range("C11")
With wbData.Sheets(5)
iValueSG = .Range("J15")
iValueAS = .Range("J16")
iValueV = .Range("J17")
iValueCR = .Range("J18")
iValueCC = .Range("J19")
iValueCRate = .Range("J20")
iValueAVGS = .Range("J21")
iValueRHW = .Range("J22")
iValueOHW = .Range("J23")
iValueLWP = .Range("J24")
iValueWPPS = .Range("J25")
ivalueRV = .Range("J26")
iValueBFSS = .Range("J27")
iValueBMV = .Range("J28")
iValueBIO = .Range("J29")
iValueRW = .Range("H33")
iValueOW = .Range("H34")
iValueBN = .Range("J31")
iValueSP = .Range("J32")
iValueTB = .Range("J33")
iValueTH = .Range("J34")
iValueTAW = .Range("J35")
iValueTWPPS = .Range("J36")
End With
' Set Px Sheets and apply all values
' apply iValueSG - Sales Goal to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 2
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueSG
End With
' apply iValueAS - Actual Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 3
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAS
End With
' apply iValueV - Sales Variance to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 4
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueV
End With
' apply iValueCR - Calls Run to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 5
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCR
End With
' apply iValueCC - Calls Closed to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 6
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCC
End With
' apply iValueCRate - Calls Closed Rate to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 7
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueCRate
End With
' apply iValueAVGS - Average Sale to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 8
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueAVGS
End With
' apply iValueRHW - Regular Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 9
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueRHW
End With
' apply iValueOHW - OverTime Hours Worked to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 10
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueOHW
End With
' apply iValueLWP - Labor Wages Paid to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 11
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueLWP
End With
' apply iValueWPPS - Wages Paid as Percent of Sales to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 12
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueWPPS
End With
' apply iValueRV - Return Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 13
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = ivalueRV
End With
' apply iValueBFSS - Ben Franklin Society's Sold to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 14
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBFSS
End With
' apply iValueBMV - BFS Maintenance Visits to matched row and column
With wbSum.Sheets(3)
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
''get matching row
'For xV = 1 To lastrow
'If iOffice = .Cells(xV, 1) Then xR = xV
'Next xV
'If xR = 0 Then MsgBox "Office: " & iOffice & " not found in summary
' set row manually
xR = 15
' get matching column
For xV = 1 To lastcol
If iDate = .Cells(1, xV) Then xC = xV
Next xV
If xC = 0 Then MsgBox "Date: " & iDate & " not found in summary table"
If xR > 0 And xC > 0 Then .Cells(xR, xC) = iValueBMV
End With
etc, etc