need to make a brochure


Tom in Texas

I need to make a program or brochure to hand out for a drama. It needs to be 6-8 pages long, printed in landscape view, on 1-3 pieces of paper and stapled together. Is Word the best way to accomplish that? Is there better software...publishing software, that lets the author link text boxes?

Tom in Texas

Michael Vilain

Tom in Texas said:
I need to make a program or brochure to hand out for a drama. It needs to be
6-8 pages long, printed in landscape view, on 1-3 pieces of paper and stapled
together. Is Word the best way to accomplish that? Is there better
software...publishing software, that lets the author link text boxes?

Tom in Texas

If Word is all you got, then Word is "the best software to accomplish
this". However, there are lots of programs, both MacOS and Windows that
do complex multicolumn layout need to do a brochure. I use Indesign
because I have pre-printed templates (PaperDirect) which require precise
text placement that Word can do. Nor is it designed to do that.

You're going to have to use whatever program to create the
'physicals'--pages that, when printed front and back, folded, and saddle
stapled will produce your brochure.

Word can do that, but you'll have to figure out the page order by
yourself so that things get printed right. If you have no background in
graphic design or layout, find someone to help you. You're in over your

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