Need to Merge 2 documents in Excel



Hello, I have a document containing information regarding new customers
and their purchases. Such as total of invoices and FSA's. I also have
the same information regarding total customers. I want to put these two
documents to join together at the FSA's where possible, but the new
customer information to join alongside the total customer information.
Here is generally what the totals sheet currently looks like.

FSA Total Sales Total Customer Count
L3R 6000 5 And so
on. This the new customer sheet.

FSA New Cus. Sales New Customers
L3R 3000 3
And I need it to look like this by the FSA's joining together.

FSA Total Sales Total Cust. Count New Cust.Sales New Cust.
L3R 6000 5 3000

My database has like 10000 orders so I would love to be able to throw
these together so that the Data does not have to be on two pages, and
it is easily read. Thanks

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