Need to print file out on a wide format printer


Tom Bradstreet

I have a spreadsheet that goes from a1 to gg150. I need to print it out on a
wide carriage printer that has a roll of paper 36" wide. I don't know how to
rotate the output 90 degrees so that the rows are along the 36" side and the
column are pinting out on the long side of the page. I'm using Excel 2007
and the printer is a ricoh 240w.
Any help would be appreciated.


Mike Rogers

Tom Bradstreet

Sounds like landscape might solve your problem. It does no normal paper:
File>Page set up>Page>Landscape.

Mike Rogers

Tom Bradstreet

Thanks for the quick response. I tried that first, thinking it would work,
but no. Then I noticed that fit to 1 page wide by 1 page tall was checked.
I unchecked it and it printed out the way I wished it to.

Thanks again.

Mike Rogers

Tom Bradstreet

Thanks for posting back and with the solution that worked!!! It helps
others to answer their questions with just search.

Mike Rogers

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