I am just learning VBA and am stuck on a procedure I am trying to write
I have 2 worksheets: sheet1 is a summary of sheet2. Example: Th
sheets have the following data:
A1: 4
Sheet 2:
D5: 1
E6: 3
I want to place a comment in Sheet1 A1 that reads:
AP = 1
Forecast = 3
The "1" and the "3" gets pulled from the Sheet2 D5 and E6 cells an
updates automatically when Sheet1 is activated. I have done this par
with no problem using the following code in the Sheet1 module:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Range("A1").Comment.Text Text:=Chr(10) & "AP = " _
& Sheets("Calculations").Range("D5").Value & Chr(10) & _
"Forecast = " & Sheets("Calculations").Range("E5").Value
End Sub
Note: Sheets("Calculations") is Sheet2
However, the problem is that there are about 100 cells that need thi
same comment that pulls data from Sheet2, but from different cells.
How do I write the code so that the comment knows where to look o
Sheet2 to pull the data?
Any suggestions at all are much appreciated!
I have 2 worksheets: sheet1 is a summary of sheet2. Example: Th
sheets have the following data:
A1: 4
Sheet 2:
D5: 1
E6: 3
I want to place a comment in Sheet1 A1 that reads:
AP = 1
Forecast = 3
The "1" and the "3" gets pulled from the Sheet2 D5 and E6 cells an
updates automatically when Sheet1 is activated. I have done this par
with no problem using the following code in the Sheet1 module:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Range("A1").Comment.Text Text:=Chr(10) & "AP = " _
& Sheets("Calculations").Range("D5").Value & Chr(10) & _
"Forecast = " & Sheets("Calculations").Range("E5").Value
End Sub
Note: Sheets("Calculations") is Sheet2
However, the problem is that there are about 100 cells that need thi
same comment that pulls data from Sheet2, but from different cells.
How do I write the code so that the comment knows where to look o
Sheet2 to pull the data?
Any suggestions at all are much appreciated!