Need to save Entourage emails then view on a PC via Outlook...?



Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)

Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read this. My brother is changing to a PC..(don't get me going) but he needs to save his Entourage emails and Word files. He will need to be able to view these on a PC running XP and Office 2007. Is there an easy way of doing this? If so and if not could someone please help me on this? All of his documents and emails are saved locally.

Thank you!


Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)

Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read this. My brother is changing to a PC..(don't get me going) but he needs to save his Entourage emails and Word files. He will need to be able to view these on a PC running XP and Office 2007. Is there an easy way of doing this? If so and if not could someone please help me on this? All of his documents and emails are saved locally.

Thank you!

Your brother's situation is one of reasons I always recommend IMAP as
the protocol for e-mail as it can be read anywhere and is identical
from one system to another.

I find it interesting he's switching to a PC. I'm not sure what his
reasons are but I have thought about this around the very serious
problem with sync services on the Mac creating a very problematic
environment to provide reliable/stable sync. Since everything is going
mobile, its really problematic. There doesn't look like there will be
a solution anywhere on the horizon and Entourage is quite nasty when
sync messes up. The iPhone itself will actually sync more reliably on
a PC with Outlook as on the PC every sync environment is simply
provided by the vendor. There is no universal architecture such as on
the Mac which vendors are using and it is considered very flaky,
unstable and complex. We're stuck with this. I just installed Windows
7 in Parallels V5 and its pretty nice. Just different but definitely

So I found your post interesting for a couple of reasons.

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