I have read the responses to similar questions like this but I still can't
figure it out. Can someone provide step-by-step instructions for this? I
followed one of the links that was provided in an earlier message thread
(http://www.slipstick.com/calendar/pickmeeting.htm), but if I follow these
instructions exactly as they are written, I would be sending TWO different
emails to my 50 employees. This makes no sense, so I must be reading it
wrong or misunderstanding.
I would really appreciate some help on this (at the 1st grade level)!
Here's what I've done so far..... I have Outlook 2003, I created 3 different
mtgs in January in my calendar, I selected all 3 and then clicked Actions and
"forward as ICalendar", I sent that msg to one person (my test person) and
she clicked on one of the mtg requests (attachments), selected "Save and
Close", we confirmed that the mtg showed up on HER calendar but she doesn't
show up as a participant (required or optional) on my calendar. What did I
do wrong?
My goal is to send ONE email to 50 people and have each person pick which
meeting (out of 3 meeting dates) that they plan to attend. Then before the
mtg date arrives, I want to be able to check to see how many people plan to
attend each of the 3 meetings.
Can anyone provide instructions on how to do this?
figure it out. Can someone provide step-by-step instructions for this? I
followed one of the links that was provided in an earlier message thread
(http://www.slipstick.com/calendar/pickmeeting.htm), but if I follow these
instructions exactly as they are written, I would be sending TWO different
emails to my 50 employees. This makes no sense, so I must be reading it
wrong or misunderstanding.
I would really appreciate some help on this (at the 1st grade level)!
Here's what I've done so far..... I have Outlook 2003, I created 3 different
mtgs in January in my calendar, I selected all 3 and then clicked Actions and
"forward as ICalendar", I sent that msg to one person (my test person) and
she clicked on one of the mtg requests (attachments), selected "Save and
Close", we confirmed that the mtg showed up on HER calendar but she doesn't
show up as a participant (required or optional) on my calendar. What did I
do wrong?
My goal is to send ONE email to 50 people and have each person pick which
meeting (out of 3 meeting dates) that they plan to attend. Then before the
mtg date arrives, I want to be able to check to see how many people plan to
attend each of the 3 meetings.
Can anyone provide instructions on how to do this?