Need to send multiple messages to same people


Mike - UFPI

Because of a bandwidth limitation on my work email, I often have to send
multiple emails to people in order for them to get all the information (every
email has a different attachment). Is there any way to send multiple emails
to the same people WITHOUT creating a group in my contacts (it's a pain to
always go to "NEW message" and then pick the addressees time after time)?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

A distribution list would probably be the easiest way but you mention not
wanting to create a group (dist list?)


it's kind of a weak solution but if you save the messages you could
just do a "reply all" to the sent message. so long as the recpients
aren't BCC'd they will show up in the "To" / "CC" fields. you're name
will also be in there (in the "To" field) so you'd need to delete that
.... or just leave it and deal with the extra message in your inbox
after the fact.

since you're "replying" the original attachments won't be there so it
shouldn't trip your bandwith constraint.

Carl Hilton

Or open up the message from the SENT folder and RESEND, and change the

Brian Tillman

Mike - UFPI said:
Because of a bandwidth limitation on my work email, I often have to
send multiple emails to people in order for them to get all the
information (every email has a different attachment). Is there any
way to send multiple emails to the same people WITHOUT creating a
group in my contacts (it's a pain to always go to "NEW message" and
then pick the addressees time after time)?

In the Inbox, open a new message and populate its recipient fields. Then
click File>Move to Folder and put it in the Drafts folder. When you want to
send a message, open Drafts, select the message, and choose Forward.

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