Need to total many of one relationship


steve p

I have 2 tables; Orders, and Time. Each table is related by the "Invoice
Number" field. The "Time" table has several records with the same Invoice
Number. I need a query that, when ran, will show one record for each Invoice
Number, and a total of all the times.

Thanks in advance.

kingston via

Create a totals query based on the table Time. Group by [Invoice Number] and
Sum on [Time]. You don't need the Orders table.


Kingston's solution is good; however, if you do need addtional fields frm the
Orders table, what you can do is create the totals query he suggested, the
create a query on the orders table with the field you want and join the
totals query on invoice number. Then put the field that totals the time
records in the query output.

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